Drogheda Division Posts
All the latest news from Drogheda Division
Congratulations Emma.
On behalf of myself and the members of the division, I would like to congratulate Second Divisional Officer Emma Jane Uí Éiligh on her recent promotion to acting Officer In Charge of Drogheda. This comes following my own promotion to District Officer. I am now tasked with overseeing the running of multiple divisions throughout the region and so someone needed to take over the day-to-day running of Drogheda Division.
Emma has been entrusted with this task of continuing to drive the division forward and has the full support of her fellow divisional members. She has over 10 years service with the brigade and is very familiar with the various roles and responsibilities she has undertaken.
I wish to advise that although leadership has changed, this will not in anyway affect the services we currently provide.
Finally, I would like to thank you all for the support you have given during my reign as Superintendent and Officer In Charge of Drogheda Division, I sincerely hope Emma receives the same and I wish her and the division the very best of luck for the future.
Colin Maher.
District Officer.
Pictured: New Officer In Charge of Drogheda Division, Emma Jane Uí Éiligh.